Thursday, November 19, 2019
MIT Kirsch Auditorium - Room 123, Ray and Maria Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 (Building 32-123)
Presenting "Insights into Future Mobility," an MIT Energy Initiative report
The MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) will present its Insights into Future Mobility report to members of the greater MIT community. This report is the culmination of the three-year Mobility of the Future study that examined how the complex interactions between advanced drivetrain options, alternative fuels, refueling infrastructure, consumer choice, vehicle automation, and government policy may shape the future for personal mobility. Study leaders and researchers will share key findings, supported by detailed research involving advanced modeling; analysis of primary survey data; and interviews with government officials. They will provide insights into how evolving environmental policies, urban regulations, disruptive technologies, economics, and consumer behaviors and attitudes may transform mobility systems.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
5:15 pm
Maria T. Zuber – E. A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics; Vice President for Research, MIT
Framing Remarks
Robert C. Armstrong – Director, MIT Energy Initiative; Chevron Professor of Chemical Engineering
5:25 pm
Study introduction
Randall Field – Executive Director, Mobility of the Future study and Mobility Systems Center, MIT Energy Initiative
5:35 pm
Light-duty vehicles in the context of global economics and carbon policy
Jennifer Morris – Research Scientist, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
5:50 pm
Transition to “alternative fuel vehicles”: Why, which, where, when, how, and at what cost?
William H. Green – Hoyt C. Hottel Professor in Chemical Engineering, MIT and Faculty Chair, Mobility of the Future study
Lisa (I-Yun) Hsieh – Ph.D. Candidate, Chemical Engineering
6:05 pm
The urbanization and motorization challenge: The role of new mobility technologies, services, and policies in shaping sustainable cities
Jinhua Zhao – Edward and Joyce Linde Associate Professor of City and Transportation Planning, MIT
Joanna Moody – Research Program Manager, Mobility Systems Center, MIT Energy Initiative
6:20 pm
Q&A with all speakers
Moderator: Randall Field
6:45 pm
Meet the study researchers