Thursday, December 12, 6-8 pm in Room 1-190
The recent MIT Climate Symposium "Challenges of Climate Policy" gave a broad overview of the policy problem confronting the world as we seek to avert catastrophic global warming in the next ten years. Left unanswered, however, was the question of how we escape the current deadlock. What strategies will it take to enact the policies we need in the short time we have left to prevent 1.5°C of warming?
This student-moderated panel goes beyond the Climate Symposium by speaking to activists and organizers on the front lines of climate action. We will review state- and federal-level legislative initiatives, the obstacles to their passage, how to prioritize, and different theories of overcoming the political challenges—as well as what members of the MIT community can do to get involved. The panelists include:
Nathaniel Stinnett – Executive Director, Environmental Voter Project
Alyssa Lee – Campus Programs Manager, Better Future Project
Gary Rucinski – Northeast Regional Coordinator, Citizens Climate Lobby
Allen McGonagill – Extinction Rebellion
There will be an open conversation with the audience, so come prepared with your questions! This event is co-sponsored by the MIT Climate Action Team and the Environmental Solutions Initiative.