As the 2018 UN climate talks begin in Katowice, Poland, follow MIT's participation in COP24 side events, hear from students attending the conference, and find out about the latest MIT research supporting climate action to meet Paris Agreement targets. The MIT Energy Initiative will be sharing updates throughout the conference on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (and share your own updates using #MITatCOP24). We'll also share articles on our website, and stay tuned for a special podcast episode.
If you’re at COP24, we invite you to join us at the following events and side events—and for those following along remotely, you can also livestream the official events.
Note: the times below are given in Central European Standard Time (CET) and Eastern Standard Time (ET), in a 24-hour format.
December 5, 2018
“Diversifying economic activity as an adaptation strategy”
UN Climate Change Secretariat
12th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi work programme
Group D: Economic diversification in the future
Dec. 5, 18:30-21:00 CET / 12:30-15:00 ET
Room 23
Horacio Caperan, Executive Director of External Affairs for the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, will facilitate this panel at the invitation of the UN Climate Change Secretariat.
The Nairobi work programme will gather Parties, experts, and other interested stakeholders in Katowice to discuss how diversifying economic and livelihood activities from the national to the household level can reduce the impacts of climate change, while also supporting broader development. Key principles and lessons learned will be shared during interactive exchanges with policymakers and practitioners engaged in climate change and development planning, including Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans. Read more.
December 10, 2018
“Innovative solutions for climate risk insurance and social protection – Presentation of the winners of the A2R-InsuResilience MIT Climate CoLab contest on Absorbing Climate Impacts”
UN Climate Resilience Initiative A2R
Dec. 10, 9:00-10:00 CET / 3:00-4:00 ET
COP24 Climate Action Hub
Kathleen Kennedy, Director of Special Projects for the Center for Collective Intelligence at the MIT Sloan School, will moderate this discussion at the invitation of the UN Climate Resilience Initiative A2R.
The UN Climate Resilience Initiative A2R, together with its partner InsuResilience and the MIT Climate CoLab, has conducted a global contest focusing on innovative solutions for climate risk insurance and social protection. From 72 proposals, two winners were chosen, one by an international jury consisting of seven experts in the field of climate risk insurance and social protection, and one by the general public. The event will give the winning teams the opportunity to present their innovative ideas to a COP24 audience.
“A Guide to Linking Emissions Trading Systems”
International Carbon Action Partnership, Québec Ministry of the Environment, and the Fight against Climate Change
Dec. 10, 2018, 11:00—12:30
IETA BusinessHub
Michael Mehling, Deputy Director of the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, will moderate this discussion with the International Carbon Action Partnership Secretariat, climate ministers of Québec and New Zealand, and officials from the European Union and State of California.
“Pathways to Paris: Cost-effective Policy and Technology Strategies for Emissions Reduction”
General Electric and MIT
Dec. 10, 2018, 15:45-17:15 CET / 9:45-11:45 ET
Polish Pavilion
This high-level event at the Polish Pavilion features Sergey Paltsev, Senior Researcher at the MIT Energy Initiative and Deputy Director of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, presenting on two new “Pathways to Paris” reports identifying key challenges to compliance with Nationally Determined Contributions—one for the ten-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and another for selected countries in Latin America. The reports suggest regionally applicable policy and technology solutions, with a focus on the electricity sector. GE provided funding for the reports and is co-organizing the event.
- David Goldwyn, Chairman of the Energy Advisory Group at the Atlantic Council
- Mechthild Worsdorfer, Director of Sustainability Technology and Outlooks at International Energy Agency
- Rob McKeel, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at GE Power
- Sergey Paltsev, Senior Researcher at the MIT Energy Initiative and Deputy Director of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
- Juan-Cruz Monticelli, Section Chief, Department of Sustainable Development at the Organization of American States
- Andrew Prag, Head of Environment and Climate Change Unit at the International Energy Agency
December 11, 2018
“Elaborating and Implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement”
Harvard Project on Climate Agreements and the Enel Foundation
Dec. 11, 2018, 15:00-16:30 CET / 9:00-10:30 ET
Wisla Room
Michael Mehling, Deputy Director of the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, will speak alongside Daniele Agostini, Head of Low Carbon and European Energy Policies at Enel; Kelley Kizzier, Co-Chair, Article 6 negotiations at the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice; and Robert Stavins, A. J. Meyer Professor of Energy and Economic Development at Harvard Kennedy School and Director of the Harvard Project on Climate Agreements.
Speakers will consider progress in elaborating Article 6 and what remains to be done, with reference to the potential of Article 6 to enhance ambition. Discussion will be based on practical experience with market mechanisms, academic research, and a close reading of the Paris Agreement negotiations. The discussion will be based in part on a background paper by Michael Mehling.
December 12, 2018
“Pathways to Paris: Policy, environmental, & technological innovations to balance the energy trilemma”
World Energy Council and MIT Energy Initiative
Dec. 12, 15:15-16:30 CET / 9:15-10:30 ET
Warmia Room
The MIT Energy Initiative is the co-organizer of this event, at which Sergey Paltsev, Senior Researcher at the MIT Energy Initiative and Deputy Director of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, will speak alongside senior government and industry officials.
The session will examine the roles of national and local policy, technological, and environmental innovations in balancing energy for prosperity with ambitious NDCs. Speakers will discuss the broader landscape of innovation factors that are triggering and accelerating new energy solutions:
- At what level is policy innovation most needed to ensure energy for prosperity and ambitious NDCs can be delivered simultaneously? Global, regional, national, state/ city, all of the above?
- Where have we seen some of the key environmental innovations and what has made them successful?
- What are the key gaps and barriers to scale – financial, skills based, policy?
- Sir Philip Lowe, Executive Chair, Energy Trilemma, World Energy Council
- H.E. Matar Al Neyadi, Undersecretary, UAE Ministry of Energy
- George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, British Colombia
- Claude Nahon, Senior Vice President, Sustainable Development, EDF
- Sergey Paltsev, Senior Research Scientist, MIT Energy Initiative; Deputy Director, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
- Hon James Shaw, Green Party Co-leader; Minister for Climate Change; Minister of Statistics; Associate Minister, New Zealand
We will share other events as we learn about them; if you have MIT-related events to share, please email us at miteimedia@mit.edu.