Mark your calendar for 2 pm Eastern Time, Sunday, October 22, 2023 for MACA's annual meeting on Zoom, with invited speaker Dr. Leah Stokes, MIT alumna and Anton Vonk Associate Professor of Environmental Politics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Her talk is entitled ‘The Future is Electric!’.
"What can I do about climate change?" The question usually inspires powerlessness. Leah Stokes wants it to make you feel powerful. To help the United States stay on track to cut carbon pollution in half this decade, we need to clean up the electricity system and electrify everything we can. Dr. Stokes, an MIT alum from course 11 in 2015, will use this talk to dive into clean energy policy and the path to our electric future.
Following Dr. Stokes' talk, an update will be provided on MACA. All MACA members are invited to attend. Click below:
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