The MIT UEA will be hosting a lecture by Lord Nicholas Stern, one of the world's leading climate change experts on April 9th from 4-5:30 in 2-190.
The world economy will likely double in around two decades. And the world’s infrastructure will likely double a little more rapidly than that. At the same time to deliver on the Paris agreement, emissions will have to be cut sharply by 40% or more in that period. And the world will have to achieve net zero emissions within 50 years (with still stronger ambition if the target is set to 1.5oC). It is clear therefore, that the next two decades are critical for the sustainability of lives and livelihoods on the planet. However, the rapid change that we require can be the engine of inclusive growth and poverty reduction over these coming decades. It can be a growth story full of discovery, innovation, investment and inclusion. And embody much more attractive ways to live and work. This lecture will describe the urgency and magnitude of the challenge, discuss some of the key policies and actions, and show how the great opportunities offered by this transition can be taken.
Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2275746282483181/
Click here to download Sir Nicholas Stern's PowerPoint presentation