I don't know how to help but know I want to. A common feeling amongst friends and family. I am learning about the scale of change necessary for survival and am unsure if WE can.
I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of MS. The Meds made it worse. I now follow a low saturated fat, Vegan with fish diet and have stabilized. I can only walk short distances with crutches. I am a member of an online MS gym hoping and working to improve my disability.
I have the advantage of a degree that allowed me to assess my options and choose a life style, perhaps seeming extreme to some, but offering scientifically based hope to me. Hope in a form that if it didn't help my MS, it was a healthy option for the future regardless. Most people in the world are unsure about Climate change, its potential impacts and whether it can be halted and how.
I have had to be completely committed to these changes and will need to be for the rest of my life. This path has seldom been recognised as a sensible one by Joe Bloggs who doesn't understand the detail. Initially it wasn't recognised by most health professionals since it has not been endorsed by large scale double blind trials. Skepticism appears to be a natural protective state.
I have undertaken small personal trials to try and help myself, from helminth ingestion to my current gym work. We need to trial approaches, analyse benefits and learn from these.
I know the analogy isn't perfect but I have some experience of facing an uncertain future, adapting accordingly and coming out the other side stronger and more resilient while bearing scars from the battle.
If I can help, I will.